As the 66th Annual Green Beer Day 2017 nears tomorrow, the Cincinnati Task Force to Reduce Campus Gender-Based Violence issues the following Prevention Alert and Call to Action to the Miami Campus Community:

As a coalition focused on ending and preventing sexual assault, we are concerned about underage drinking, over consumption and the intersectionality with alcohol facilitated sexual assault and rape.

“Part of our ongoing It’s On Us Cincinnati campaign is about empowering bystander intervention,” said Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld, who initiated the Cincinnati Task Force to Reduce Campus Gender-Based Violence. “If you see someone violating the rules of consent or sliding out of control, be a good friend or a good samaritan and step in to help change the outcome.”

Traditions are strong in our culture. And here is what we know of Green Beer Day Tradition. The bars will open at 5AM. Thousands of students will flock to the Oxford region. Thursday is a kick-off to the Spring Break season. And the beer will be green.

This is what we also know. Consent does NOT exist when a person is physically and/or mentally incapable of giving consent (including if the person is too intoxicated to give consent). Consent does NOT exist when it is forced, coerced.

“Traditions matter in our cultures. But not when our students become sick with alcohol poisoning and when our region’s students are sexually assaulted through alcohol facilitated rape. It is time for a new tradition. It’s time for prevention. If you are going to grab a green beer and be celebratory—that’s fine. But there is no celebration without consent.” Kristin Smith Shrimplin, President & CEO of WHW, a community based domestic violence/sexual violence organization who bases confidential Campus-Based Advocates at Miami University, University of Cincinnati and Xavier University.

Kate Lawson, Chief Title IX Officer at Xavier University, also stated: “Here’s what we know: Alcohol does not cause or excuse rape. If someone drinks alcohol or uses drugs they do not deserve or ask to be raped. And, alcohol is often used by individuals to perpetrate rape. Those individuals count on the silence and willingness to look away of the community. On this Green Beer Day, we call on all those attending to refuse to look the other way–to stand up, speak out, and take care of each other.”


  • Understand and ALWAYS secure consent
  • Consent does NOT existwhen it is forced, coerced, or when a person is physically and/or mentally incapable of giving consent (including if they are too intoxicated to give consent)
  • Consent has to be affirmative—given knowingly, freely, and actively by a demonstration of clear words or actions for permissionto engage or to continue to engage in mutually agreed sexual activity
  • Do not force or coerce someone into sexual activity
  • If you see someone (including a friend) trying to coerce someone into sexual activity—especially someone who is intoxicated or incapacitated—disrupt that action and STOP the person
  • If you see someone trying to separate someone you know  who is intoxicated or incapacitated in some way from the larger group—disrupt that action and stay with that person
  • If someone discloses to you that she or he was sexually assaulted—immediately let them know:
    • I believe you
    • It’s not your fault
    • here’s help available
  • Connect survivors to resources for help: