Press Release: Women Helping Women Progress Report

WHW Agency Stats: As of October 24, 2018 , Women Helping Women advocates have served 5,917 unduplicated survivors— currently exceeding past 2017 YE numbers with 2.5 months of 2018 remaining. In September along, WHW served 1,028 unduplicated survivors. Women Helping...

August 2017 Newsletter

August 2017 Newsletter

Fifth Annual Purple Light Walk: Save the Date! To start off Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Women Helping Women will be holding its 5th Annual Purple Light Walk on September 29th! The Purple Light Walk’s mission is to raise awareness about domestic...

August 2017 Newsletter

June 2017 Newsletter

WHW Champions — Cathy and Tony Ramstetter Organizations like Women Helping Women are only as strong as our supporters. That’s why people like Cathy and Tony Ramstetter are so important to the community. The Ramstetter’s live and work in Cincinnati. Cathy is a Ph.D. in...